Jul 25, 2021
The Unexpected Blessing of Holiness
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”   Matthew 5:8 THE PROPERTIES OF PURITY - Psalm 24:3-4 THE PLACE OF PURITY - Proverbs 4:23 THE PROCESS OF PURITY - Ezekiel 36:26 THE PROMISE OF PURITY - 1 John 3:2-3
  • Jul 25, 2021The Unexpected Blessing of Holiness
    Jul 25, 2021
    The Unexpected Blessing of Holiness
    “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”   Matthew 5:8 THE PROPERTIES OF PURITY - Psalm 24:3-4 THE PLACE OF PURITY - Proverbs 4:23 THE PROCESS OF PURITY - Ezekiel 36:26 THE PROMISE OF PURITY - 1 John 3:2-3
  • Jul 18, 2021Children’s Lesson 46 – The Way, the Truth and the Life
    Jul 18, 2021
    Children’s Lesson 46 – The Way, the Truth and the Life
  • Jul 18, 2021The Unexpected Blessing of Mercy
    Jul 18, 2021
    The Unexpected Blessing of Mercy
    “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”    Matthew 5:7 Mercy is an unearned response to someone else’s need.  It is the emotion of pity put into action.  And it is displayed in the character of God Himself! In the scriptures, mercy goes hand-in-hand with compassion.  We see this in the story of The Good Samaritan.
    • The Notion—noticing a need
    • The Emotion—moving beyond sympathy to empathy
    • The Motion—being moved to action
    • The Devotion—an ongoing commitment to be helpful
    Mercy also goes hand-in-hand with forgiveness.  Jesus illustrates the need for this in the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant.  We see a positive example in the life of Joseph the son of Jacob. There is no receiving mercy without a willingness to give it. Who can you show compassion to this week? Who do you need to forgive today?
  • Jul 11, 2021Children’s Lesson 45 – Love Is…
    Jul 11, 2021
    Children’s Lesson 45 – Love Is…
  • Jul 11, 2021The Unexpected Blessing of Humility
    Jul 11, 2021
    The Unexpected Blessing of Humility
    The Unexpected Blessing of Humility - Matthew 5:3-6
    Jesus began his Sermon on the Mount with a set of teachings we call The Beatitudes.  We are going to be looking at the spiritual truths of these “sacred paradoxes” and considering how our lives and our attitudes may need to change in order to experience God’s greatest blessings in our lives. “Blessed are the poor in spirit . . .” “Blessed are those who mourn . . .” “Blessed are the meek . . .” “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness . . .”  “He guides the humble in what is right, and teaches them His way.”  Psalm 25:9
  • Jul 4, 2021Children’s Lesson 44 – The Power of Words
    Jul 4, 2021
    Children’s Lesson 44 – The Power of Words
  • Jul 4, 2021Walking In The Light
    Jul 4, 2021
    Walking In The Light
    Series: (All)
    “Walking in the Light”    Isaiah 2:1-8  In Isaiah 2:5 there is an invitation to “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.”  “Walking in the Light” is also a common New Testament theme.  The prophecies of Isaiah help us understand when we are walking in the light, and when we are not. Signs of a People Walking in Darkness:
    • Too much like the rest of the world. (2:6)
    • Too much dependence on material wealth. (2:7a)
    • Too much dependence on military might. (2:7b)
    • Too much human pride resulting in idolatry. (2:8)
    Signs of Walking in the Light of the Lord:
    • A commitment to worship. (2:2-3)
    • An acceptance of all people.
    • Taking a stand for justice. (2:4a)
    • Striving for peace. (2:4b)
    Let us, as followers of Jesus, set a positive example for our neighbors and our nation.  Then let us also offer the invitation to come and walk in the light of the Lord.
  • Jun 27, 2021Children’s Lesson 43 – Redemption
    Jun 27, 2021
    Children’s Lesson 43 – Redemption
  • Jun 27, 2021The Thorn in Your Flesh
    Jun 27, 2021
    The Thorn in Your Flesh
    Series: (All)
    “The Thorn in Your Flesh”  2 Corinthians 12:7-10  The Apostle Paul battled with some aggravation or disability in his life which he called a “thorn in the flesh.”  He repeatedly asked the Lord to take it away, but instead the Lord used it to teach him some valuable lessons.  How should we handle the thorns in our lives? Seek God in it.
    • “Three times I pleaded with the Lord …” (v.8)
    Seek Grace for it.
    • “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you …’” (v.9a)
    Seek Glory through it.
    • “Therefore I will boast (glory) all the more gladly about my weaknesses …” (v.9b)
    Seek Contentment despite it.
    • “That is why, for Christ sake, I delight in weaknesses …” (v.10)
  • Jun 20, 2021Children’s Lesson 42 – Prison Break!
    Jun 20, 2021
    Children’s Lesson 42 – Prison Break!