Mar 24, 2019
Disciples Take Risks for God
By: Phil Peacock
Series: Peter
Matthew 14:22-33
Peter recognized the voice of Jesus.
He remembered examples of Jesus' power.
He overcame his present fears.
He was beginning to realize his potential in Christ.
He requested divine permission and assistance.
He reached out to Christ in his failure.
He accepted the necessary correction.
- Mar 24, 2019Disciples Take Risks for God
Mar 24, 2019Disciples Take Risks for GodBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterMatthew 14:22-33Peter recognized the voice of Jesus.He remembered examples of Jesus' power.He overcame his present fears.He was beginning to realize his potential in Christ.He requested divine permission and assistance.He reached out to Christ in his failure.He accepted the necessary correction.
- Mar 17, 2019First Three Questions of Discipleship
Mar 17, 2019First Three Questions of DiscipleshipBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterLuke 5:1-11Will you let Jesus be a part of your life?Will you allow Jesus to make your business his business?Will you make Jesus' business your business?