Jul 21, 2024
An Opportunity for Faith and Following
Mark 10:46-52 Other than the walk to Golgotha, Jesus’ final trip to Jerusalem must have been the “heaviest” journey of his earthly ministry.  So much suffering lay ahead for him before the victory over sin and death would be accomplished.  But even with that burden upon his heart, Jesus was willing to use another interruption as an opportunity to do good—this time for a blind beggar named Bartimaeus.
  • An interruption can be an opportunity for calling a person to faith in Jesus Christ, or for nurturing the faith already in their heart.
  • An interruption can be an opportunity for inviting a person to become a disciple, following Jesus in their daily living.
  • Jul 21, 2024An Opportunity for Faith and Following
    Jul 21, 2024
    An Opportunity for Faith and Following
    Mark 10:46-52 Other than the walk to Golgotha, Jesus’ final trip to Jerusalem must have been the “heaviest” journey of his earthly ministry.  So much suffering lay ahead for him before the victory over sin and death would be accomplished.  But even with that burden upon his heart, Jesus was willing to use another interruption as an opportunity to do good—this time for a blind beggar named Bartimaeus.
    • An interruption can be an opportunity for calling a person to faith in Jesus Christ, or for nurturing the faith already in their heart.
    • An interruption can be an opportunity for inviting a person to become a disciple, following Jesus in their daily living.
  • Jul 7, 2024An Opportunity to Minister to the Unseen
    Jul 7, 2024
    An Opportunity to Minister to the Unseen
    Mark 5:24-34 As Jesus was on his way to save the life of a little girl, he was “interrupted” by the sudden flow of healing power from his body.  A woman desperate for healing after many years of illness had secretly reached out in faith to touch his robe.  Jesus’ loving response is a great lesson to us about ministering to the unseen.
    • Not everyone who needs attention is willing to ask for it.
    • There are many “invisible” and forgotten people all around us.
    • They are often the people who need our attention the most.
    As you learn to see the unseen, hear the unheard, and value the unwanted, don’t be surprised if they teach you lessons about living by faith. 
  • Jun 30, 2024An Opportunity for a Teachable Moment
    Jun 30, 2024
    An Opportunity for a Teachable Moment
    Mark 2:1-12
    One day as Jesus was preaching inside a packed house, four men decided to dig a hole in the roof in order to lower their paralyzed friend into his presence.  It was surely an interruption like few others!  But instead of being angry or annoyed, Jesus realized it was a great opportunity for a teachable moment with the paralyzed man, his friends, and the audience in the house, including religious leaders.
    • A Lesson about Faith
    • A Lesson about Forgiveness
    • A Lesson about the Authority and Power of God’s Son
    We should be aware that interruptions in our lives can often be opportunities to share truths about God and faithful Christian living.
  • Jun 23, 2024An Opportunity to Delve Below the Surface
    Jun 23, 2024
    An Opportunity to Delve Below the Surface
    Mark 1:21-28 Jesus’ ministry, like our own lives, was a constant series of interruptions!  The Gospel of Mark records many of them for us.  From the example of Jesus, we can learn to view interruptions as opportunities to help people and glorify God.
    • Interruptions can be annoying to us, but they may also give us an opportunity to delve beneath the surface of a person’s behavior.
    • Why people do what they do is often more important than what they do.
    • Interruptions will sometimes give you the opportunity to address a person’s greatest needs—and to turn them toward Jesus!
  • Jun 9, 2024Too Good a Secret to Keep
    Jun 9, 2024
    Too Good a Secret to Keep
    Series: (All)
    Mark 1:40-45  It doesn’t seem unusual that Jesus healed a man with leprosy.  What’s surprising to us is his instruction to the man following the miracle.  He told him not to tell anyone!  Jesus certainly had his reasons for such an unusual command, but for the newly healed fellow it was too good a secret to keep.  Why did he immediately share the news with others?
    • The secret involved a change too obvious.
    • The secret involved a change too important.
    • The secret involved a change too amazing!
    That man spread the news of Jesus’ love and power even when told not to.  Knowing his heart, I believe it was an easy sin for Jesus to forgive.  We, on the other hand, often stay silent even though we’ve been instructed to share.  Shouldn’t the good news of a loving Savior be overflowing from us?
  • May 19, 2024Three Cheers!
    May 19, 2024
    Three Cheers!
    Series: (All)
    “The Three Cheers of Jesus” Many people live their lives full of despair and hopelessness.  They are missing out on the joy of the Lord.  This is probably true for most of us at some time or another.  But Jesus provides what we need to live life abundantly.  This morning, let’s consider three times when Jesus told people to “Be of good cheer!”
    1. The Cheer of Christ’s Forgiveness   (Matthew 9:1-8)
    2. The Cheer of Christ’s Presence   (Mark 6:47-51)
    3. The Cheer of Christ’s Victory   (John 16:33)
  • May 12, 2024Abigail: A Portrait of Wisdom
    May 12, 2024
    Abigail: A Portrait of Wisdom
    Series: (All)
    1 Samuel 25 On this Mother’s Day, we take a look at a woman whose extraordinary courage and wisdom benefitted two very important, but hot-headed, men—her husband Nabal and the soon-to-be king of Israel, David. Wisdom means keeping your head when others are losing theirs. Wisdom means keeping your commitments even when it’s not easy. Wisdom means keeping your faith even when things look hopeless.
  • May 5, 2024The Power of Forgiveness
    May 5, 2024
    The Power of Forgiveness
    Series: Joseph
    As the seven years of famine took hold of the entire region, people from all around traveled to Egypt to buy grain.  This included Joseph’s ten older brothers who were sent from Canaan by their father Jacob. Joseph fed them, but also tested them to see how their hearts had changed over the past two decades.  When Joseph finally revealed his identity to them, they were afraid he might take revenge on them for their previous cruelty.  But in Joseph’s response, we are able to see the Power of Forgiveness! What Forgiveness Does NOT Do:
    • It does not indicate weakness on the part of the forgiver.
    • It does not minimize or condone the sin that has been committed.
    • It does not remove all the consequences of sin.
    • It does not immediately wash away all the hurt and pain.
    What Forgiveness Has the Power to Do:
    • It has the power to break the cycle of retaliation.
    • It opens the door to reconciliation.
    • It allows you to live in the present instead of the past.
    • It lets the human heart reflect the character of God!
    Who do you need to forgive today, and whose forgiveness should you seek?
  • Apr 28, 2024God-Given Gifts at Work
    Apr 28, 2024
    God-Given Gifts at Work
    Series: Joseph
    Chapters 40 and 41 of Genesis reveal why God allowed Joseph to spend much of his life in Egypt.  Even during his time as a slave and a prisoner, God was equipping him to help save the entire region—including his own family—from seven years of severe famine.  God uniquely “gifted” Joseph with the special skills and abilities he would need to accomplish God’s purposes— from interpreting dreams to administrating the distribution of food.
    • Though our circumstances are much different from Joseph’s, we should be aware that God has also uniquely “gifted” each of us according to His purpose for our lives.
    • When God gives us skills and abilities, He also gives us opportunities to serve Him by helping others.
    • When we use our spiritual gifts for the Lord, He receives the praise and the glory!
  • Apr 21, 2024Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
    Apr 21, 2024
    Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
    Series: Joseph
    Genesis 39 After being sold by his brothers to some Ishmaelite traders, Joseph was carried as a slave to Egypt.  He soon found himself serving in the household of Potiphar, a captain of Pharaoh’s guards.  Life could not have been easy, but through hard work and the blessings of God, Joseph was promoted to steward of the house. "The Lord was with Joseph.”  (39:1-6a)
    •  Colossians 3:23
    ¨ Facing Temptation (39:6b-7)
    • 1 Corinthians 10:13
    ¨ A Commitment to Purity (39:8-10)
    • Ephesians 5:3
    ¨ Persecuted for Righteousness (39:11-20a)
    • Þ Matthew 5:10
    ¨ God Blesses the Pure in Heart (39:20b-23)
    • Matthew 5:8