Feb 13, 2022
Lessons of the Vine: The Provision of the Vine
John 15:1-17 Jesus provides us with His word.
  • “If you remain in me and my words remain in you ...“ (v.7)
Jesus provides us with His love.
  • “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” (v.9)
Jesus provides us with His joy.
  • “… that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete.” (v.11)
Jesus provides us with His friendship.
  • “I no longer call you servants … Instead I have called you friends.” (v.15)
    Jesus provides us with His power.
  • “Then my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (v.16b)
  • Feb 13, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Provision of the Vine
    Feb 13, 2022
    Lessons of the Vine: The Provision of the Vine
    John 15:1-17 Jesus provides us with His word.
    • “If you remain in me and my words remain in you ...“ (v.7)
    Jesus provides us with His love.
    • “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” (v.9)
    Jesus provides us with His joy.
    • “… that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete.” (v.11)
    Jesus provides us with His friendship.
    • “I no longer call you servants … Instead I have called you friends.” (v.15)
        Jesus provides us with His power.
    • “Then my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (v.16b)
  • Feb 6, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Produce of the Branches
    Feb 6, 2022
    Lessons of the Vine: The Produce of the Branches
    John 15:1-8 John 15 records for us an illustration Jesus used involving grape vines.  It presents to us three powerful images:                   1) Jesus is the vine.                   2) The Heavenly Father is the gardener.                   3) We are the branches of the vine from which fruit should grow. It is important we understand what kind of “fruit” God expects from us. The fruit God is looking for is not the balance of your bank account, the size of your family, the number of people you know, diplomas you have on your wall, or how many cars are in your garage.  In and of themselves, they have no lasting value. God is looking for spiritual fruit that has an eternal value.
    • Inner Fruit = developing the character of Christ
    • Outer Fruit = good deeds that positively impact people and glorify God
    • Evangelism = helping people come to know Christ as Lord
    How fruitful have you been for God? 
    How fruitful do you want to be?
  • Jan 30, 2022Faith: How Do Trials Strengthen Our Faith?
    Jan 30, 2022
    Faith: How Do Trials Strengthen Our Faith?
    Series: Faith
    Hebrews 11:32-40 Because of faith, God’s people often experience amazing victories in this world. (vv.32-35a) And also because of faith, God’s people face incredible hardships and trials.  (vv.35b-38) So how is it that trials help to strengthen our faith?
    • They teach us to depend upon God. (Matthew 11:28)
    • They work to refine our godly character. (James 1:2-3)
    • They solidify our bond with Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:17)
    • They help us develop a bond with others. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
    • They remind us to keep an eye on the eternal. (Romans 8:18, James 1:12)
  • Jan 23, 2022Faith: What Difference Does It Make?
    Jan 23, 2022
    Faith: What Difference Does It Make?
    Series: Faith
    Hebrews 11:4-7 Abel illustrates that true faith makes a difference in the way we worship. Enoch illustrates that true faith makes a difference in the way we “walk.” Noah illustrates that true faith makes a difference in the way we work.
  • Jan 16, 2022Faith: What Is It?
    Jan 16, 2022
    Faith: What Is It?
    Series: Faith
    Hebrews 11:1-3 Both the Old and New Testaments speak of the importance of faith in the lives of God’s people.  Before launching into a list of biblical characters who showed faith in God, the writer of Hebrews gives us a definition of this spiritual imperative. Faith is the foundation of our hope. “Faith is being sure of what we hope for…” (v.1a) Faith is having certainty without sight. “...and certain of what we do not see.”  (v.1b) Faith is the way to a right relationship with God. “This is what the ancients were commended for.” (v.2)
  • Jan 9, 2022Gideon: In Weakness Made Strong
    Jan 9, 2022
    Gideon: In Weakness Made Strong
    Series: (All)
    Judges 6:36-40 & 7:1-18
    We pick up the story where we left off last week.  God called a lowly farmer named Gideon to lead the Israelites against the oppression of the Midianites.  Gideon was obedient to destroy the altar to Baal on his father’s own property, and to set up an altar to the one true God.  But would he be brave enough to go up against the whole Midianite army?
    • The Weakness of Inexperience
    • The Weakness of Doubt
    • The Weakness of Fear
    • The Weakness of Inferior Resources
    God often calls upon us to act in our weakness so that His strength can be magnified.
    • The Strength of God’s Good Purpose
    • The Strength of God’s Gracious Patience
    • The Strength of God’s Great Plan
  • Jan 2, 2022Gideon: God Calls Unlikely Heroes
    Jan 2, 2022
    Gideon: God Calls Unlikely Heroes
    Series: (All)
    We find the story of Gideon in the Old Testament book of Judges, which follows the conquest and settling of the Promised Land by the tribes of Israel.  During the period of the Judges, a familiar cycle is often repeated. 
    • The Israelites would turn away from the Lord and do evil in His sight.
    • God would allow His people to be oppressed by neighboring tribes.
    • In their suffering, the Israelites would cry out to the Lord for help.
    • God would raise up a leader (judge) to deliver them from oppression.
    Gideon was a man from the tribe of Manasseh whom the Lord chose to deliver His people from the Midianites.
    • God calls us to an honest assessment of the challenges we face. (v.8-10)
    • God calls us based not on who we are, but on who we can be. (v. 12)
    • God calls us to depend upon His strength, not our own. (v.14-16)
    • God calls us to be faithful in small things before giving bigger assignments. (v.25-26)
  • Dec 26, 2021God’s Guidance to the Magi & Us
    Dec 26, 2021
    God’s Guidance to the Magi & Us
    Three Things We Can Learn from the Magi:
    1. Do your homework.
    2. Don’t ignore the obvious; act on it.
    3. When you meet Jesus, you should change direction.
  • Dec 19, 2021God’s Guidance for Shepherds & Us
    Dec 19, 2021
    God’s Guidance for Shepherds & Us
    Luke 2:1-8 tells us of Joseph and Mary’s relocation from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the purpose of the Roman census.  It was there that Mary gave birth to a son and—having no better accommodations—used a feeding trough as his crib. The Christ-child’s first visitors were not from among the rich, well-educated noblemen of high society.  God chose to send His angels to a group of shepherds.  There are many things we can learn from their encounter with the Divine.  We find their story in Luke 2:8-20. Be ready for divine interruptions. Be ready for divine revelations. Be ready for divine adventures!
  • Dec 12, 2021God’s Guidance to Joseph & Us
    Dec 12, 2021
    God’s Guidance to Joseph & Us
    In the first two chapters of the Gospel of Matthew, we are told of three different times when an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph.  In each case, he was given a direct instruction from God — and in each case his response was the same.  He immediately obeyed! Matthew 1:18-25 “Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife…” “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus…” Matthew 2:13-15 “Get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.” Matthew 2:19-23 “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel.” How well do we follow God’s guidance when … We don’t fully understand why God wants us to do it? It’s difficult or inconvenient for us? It’s unpopular with those around us?