Nov 3, 2019
Victory In Life Or Death
By: Phil Peacock
Series: (All)
Philippians 1:12-30
There are things we can & can't know about the future.
Your final victory is something you can be certain about.
Knowing your final victory allows you to live victoriously today.
- Nov 3, 2019Victory In Life Or Death
Nov 3, 2019Victory In Life Or DeathBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)Philippians 1:12-30There are things we can & can't know about the future.Your final victory is something you can be certain about.Knowing your final victory allows you to live victoriously today.
- Oct 27, 2019The Commitment Crisis
Oct 27, 2019The Commitment CrisisBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)Numbers 13: 1-2, 17-33What kind of commitment does God ask us to make?A Commitment that: Faces our Fears, Involves Sacrifice, Overcomes Apathy & Puts Words into Action.
- Oct 20, 2019Encountering God
Oct 20, 2019Encountering GodBy: Howard RhodesSeries: (All)Revelation 3:20 - "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door. I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."Encountering God is His desire; it is possible; and it is life changing!
- Oct 13, 2019Purposeful Fellowship
Oct 13, 2019Purposeful FellowshipBy: Phil PeacockActs 2:42-47Purposeful Fellowship is built through shared: beliefs, burdens, experiences and vision.Fellowship is the seasoning the makes everything else we do together better!
- Oct 6, 2019Intentional Discipleship
Oct 6, 2019Intentional DiscipleshipBy: Phil PeacockHebrew 5:11-14Let's beware of the signs of spiritual infancy:
- Slow to learn.
- Unable to be an effective teacher.
- Do not understand righteousness.
- Unable to discern right from wrong.
Rick Warren's 5 Levels of Commitment:- Community
- Crowd
- Congregation
- Committed
- Core
Are you ready to grow to the next level? The decision is yours! - Sep 29, 2019Life-Altering Ministry
Sep 29, 2019Life-Altering MinistryBy: Phil PeacockMatthew 25:31-46Ministry touches the life of the recipient & the minister & it touches the heart of God!
- Sep 22, 2019Bold Evangelism
Sep 22, 2019Bold EvangelismBy: Phil PeacockActs 8:26-40Have your own spiritual life in order.Be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.Be ready to seek out and accept all people.Be on the lookout for "people of peace."Know your Bible and focus on Jesus.Don't leave them hanging!
- Sep 15, 2019Authentic Worship
Sep 15, 2019Authentic WorshipBy: Phil PeacockJohn 4:1-42Authentic Worship is not about a Place, a Performance or our Preferences.Authentic Worship is about what God wants; it's about His pleasure.As our spirit is drawn to God's Spirit, we are challenged and we are changed.
- Sep 8, 2019Focusing on God’s Vision for Broadus Church
Sep 8, 2019Focusing on God’s Vision for Broadus ChurchBy: Phil PeacockHabakkuk 2:1-3Our greatest desire should be a message from God.We need to Receive it, Record it, and Run with it!
- Sep 1, 2019The Chosen People
Sep 1, 2019The Chosen PeopleBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)1 Peter 2:4-12We are chosen "out" of something and "into" something else.We are chosen to be a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation and a People Belonging to God.