Sep 17, 2023
Shining in Times of Fear
By: Phil Peacock
Series: When Your Faith Can Shine
Matthew 14:22-32
- Life is full of fear-inducing circumstances.
- Jesus is with us as we face our fears.
- He calls us to have faith-inspired courage that can be a light to the watching world.
- The key to our faith is keeping our focus on the Savior!
- Sep 17, 2023Shining in Times of Fear
Sep 17, 2023Shining in Times of FearBy: Phil PeacockSeries: When Your Faith Can ShineMatthew 14:22-32
- Life is full of fear-inducing circumstances.
- Jesus is with us as we face our fears.
- He calls us to have faith-inspired courage that can be a light to the watching world.
- The key to our faith is keeping our focus on the Savior!
- Sep 10, 2023Shining in Times of Illness
Sep 10, 2023Shining in Times of IllnessBy: Phil PeacockSeries: When Your Faith Can ShineOur new worship series focuses on the times in life when your faith can shine the brightest for God. In the gospel story of the New Testament, Jesus points out how this is often in the most difficult and challenging of circumstances. The world is watching us, and needs to see the difference our faith in Christ makes! Shining in Times of Illness - Mark 10:46-52 A blind man named Bartimaeus can teach us some valuable lessons about letting our faith shine even when dealing with great hardships and handicaps.
- View your hardships as opportunities for God’s intervention. (vv. 46-47)
- Don’t give in to negativity. (v. 48)
- Count on the compassion of Christ. (v. 49-50)
- Articulate your heart’s desires to the Savior. (v. 51)
- Accept the blessings He has to offer. (v. 52a)
- Demonstrate your gratitude by following Jesus more closely. (v. 52b)
- Sep 3, 2023Malachi: Less Than Our Best Is Not Good Enough
Sep 3, 2023Malachi: Less Than Our Best Is Not Good EnoughBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor ProphetsMalachi is the last of the Minor Prophets. God sent him to speak to the priests and people of Judah following the return from exile. In Malachi 1:6-14, he delivered the charge against them that they were giving God less than their best by sending sick and injured animals for the worship sacrifices. Though Christians no longer follow the Old Testament sacrificial system, we sometimes do the same thing when we offer less than our best to God. Reasons God Gets Less than Our Best:
- In our selfishness and laziness, we sometimes take the cheap and easy path in our relationship with God.
- We also tell ourselves that we are as good as everyone else, so we don’t try to do better.
- We forget that our worship should reflect our faith and our gratitude for all God has done.
- Aug 27, 2023Zechariah: The Day of Small Things
Aug 27, 2023Zechariah: The Day of Small ThingsBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor ProphetsLike Haggai, Zechariah was a prophet among the Jews who returned to their homeland from the Babylonian exile. His book has more apocalyptic visions and Messianic prophesies than any of the other minor prophets. But another important focus was the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, which had been in ruins for over 70 years. It was a monumental task, yet every small step would bring it closer to completion. The same is true in our lives. Empowered by God’s Spirit, faithfulness in small things brings about great accomplishments. “Who despises the day of small things?” Zechariah 4:10a
- Don’t despise (neglect) small tasks.
- Don’t despise (overlook) small resources.
- Don’t despise (ignore) small accomplishments.
- Aug 20, 2023Haggai: From This Day On
Aug 20, 2023Haggai: From This Day OnBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor ProphetsThe last three Minor Prophets—Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi—all followed the Babylonian exile. Today’s focus is on Haggai, who was called by God to summon the recently resettled Jews to act in faith and obedience by rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. Their priorities had become self-serving as they worked to rebuild their own homes and prosperity, while ignoring the things of God. Because of their disobedience, they were missing the blessings of God. But Haggai told them how that could change “from this day on.” Our lives can change for the better, as well!
- From this day on, we will learn from the lessons of the past. (2:15-17)
- From this day on, we will consider the potential of the future. (2:18-19a)
- From this day on, we will count on the promises of God. (2:19b)
- Aug 13, 2023Zephaniah: The Curse of Complacency
Aug 13, 2023Zephaniah: The Curse of ComplacencyBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor Prophets“At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps and punish those who are complacent, who are like wine left on its dregs, who think The Lord will do nothing, either good or bad.” — Zephaniah 1:12 Prior to the days of King Josiah’s reforms, the prophet Zephaniah was appointed by God to bring a message of warning to the people of Jerusalem and Judah. A particularly strong warning was issued against the people who were supposed to belong to God, but lived like He did not even exist. Though they claimed to worship God and be His people, they were living as practical atheists.
- There is a great danger when God’s people think He will not judge.
- There is a great sadness when God’s people think He will not bless.
- The good news is that God wants to save us from our complacency. He blesses those who seek Him and obey Him.
- It’s time to start living like God is real, because He is!
- Aug 6, 2023Habakkuk: What To Do With a Revelation
Aug 6, 2023Habakkuk: What To Do With a RevelationBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor ProphetsHabakkuk was a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah prior to the Babylonian exile. In his short book, he expressed some of the same spiritual questions that we may have today—and also the faith to believe that God is fully righteous, wise and merciful. Even through the hardest times of life, God gives strength and renewal to His people who trust Him. God continues to make His will known, speaking to us today even as He spoke to Habakkuk. Here’s what we should do with a revelation from God:
- Receive it.
- Record it.
- Run with it.
- Patiently wait for God’s faithful response.
- Jul 30, 2023Nahum: Would the Real Jehovah Please Stand Up?
Jul 30, 2023Nahum: Would the Real Jehovah Please Stand Up?By: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor ProphetsThe small book of Nahum is in some ways a sequel to the book of Jonah. Jonah tells how God had mercy on the Assyrian capital of Nineveh when they repented of their evil. But then several generations later, Nineveh had returned to its wicked and violent ways. It was then God sent a vision to the prophet Nahum about the city's destruction. This message of judgement on their enemy was also a message of hope for the besieged nation of Judah.Nahum poses a couple of interesting questions to consider:
- What good was the earlier repentance and revival of Nineveh if in time the people returned to their wickedness and faced destruction?
- The answer is that our God is the God of the here and now! We can’t change the past nor control the future, but the decisions we make now to obey God do make a difference.
- In Nahum, we are presented with two different pictures of God side-by-side. One is a God of justice and judgment who punishes people and nations for their sin. The other is a God of refuge and compassion who lifts up those who are downtrodden. Which is the true Jehovah?
- The answer is that He is both! Justice and compassion are both part of God’s character. The choice of how we experience Him is up to us!
- Jul 23, 2023Micah: What Really Matters to God
Jul 23, 2023Micah: What Really Matters to GodBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor ProphetsMicah was a prophet from the town of Moresheth in the southern kingdom of Judah, but the message he spoke was aimed at both Judah and Israel. In his time both nations seemed to be doing relatively well. But while they were economically prosperous, they were also becoming more and more spiritually bankrupt. Their religious rituals were not translating into righteous living. Micah called them to repentance and transformation, and to an understanding of what really matters to God. “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (6:8) “Act Justly” “Love Mercy” “Walk Humbly with Your God”
- Jul 16, 2023Jonah: Prophet on the Run
Jul 16, 2023Jonah: Prophet on the RunBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Major Truths from Minor ProphetsJonah 1:1-17 Jonah was a prophet from the northern kingdom of Israel who was called by God to preach a message of judgment and warning to the Assyrian city of Nineveh. Instead of immediately obeying, he decided to run from the Lord, setting sail for the distant city of Tarshish. But God does not give up so easy on His errant children. There’s a lot we can learn from this prophet on the run.
- What is your “Nineveh”?
- Where is your “Tarshish”?
- You can run, but you can’t hide from God. This is good news for us!